
FX Bend 2550

Product Code: 26
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Finally the machine is designed to go further.
More equipment capacity, increase in the bending length and great versatility, because it is possible to increase the number
of usable tools.

Bending length 2550 mm.
Maximum bending force 600 kN.


FX bend 2550
Max. bending force (kN) 500
Bending length (mm) 2550
Y axis stroke (mm) 250
Y axis speed (mm/sec) 200
Inclination (mm) (Y1-Y2) + - 10
Opening (mm) (table to ram)  470 (395)
6-AXIS BACKGAUGE (X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2)  
X axes stroke (mm) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2)  375 + 705
R axes stroke (mm) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2) 180
Z axes stroke (mm) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2)  2350
X axis speed (mm / sec) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2) 1000
R axes speed (mm/sec) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2)  650
 Z axes speed (mm/sec) (6 axes X1-X2-R1-R2-Z1-Z2)  800
Connections wireless/USB port YES/2
Motor power (kW) 2x5,2
Connected load (kWa)
 Approx.weight (kg)  6500
Visit Count: 1,293
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